If you are having trouble with installing Kali Linux, you can try running the exercises on your machine natively.

First, you will have to install some developer tools to get started.

Install homebrew

Run the following command in your Terminal.app.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL [<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh>](<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh>))"

Install GCC using homebrew

To install a C compiler, run the installation command in your Terminal.app.

brew install gcc

Compiling exercises in the resource pack

When you unzip the resource pack, you should have two folders:

cd into the source folder, and run the following commands to compile each exercise.

gcc **intro.c** -o ../bin/**intro**
gcc **ex1.c** -o ../bin/**ex1** -fno-stack-protector
gcc **ex2.c** -o ../bin/**ex2** -fno-stack-protector
gcc **chal.c** -o ../bin/**chal** -fno-stack-protector
gcc **chal.c** -o ../bin/**modern**